How Do Cats Get Worms

Are you a cat lover? If yes, then understanding your furry friend’s health concerns is essential. One vital issue that often affects cats’ health is worms. “How Do Cats Get Worms” takes you on a journey to uncover the mystery around this common ailment in felines. This article will guide you through the different types of worms that can infest your feline friend, the causes, and possible preventions. It’s a must-read for anyone who adores cats and desires to keep them healthy and happy.

How Do Cats Get Worms

Types of Worms that Infest Cats

When we think about cats, we envision a cuddly, playful fur friend. It warms our hearts to hear them purr, and watching them chase after a dangling thread can be a source of endless amusement. But the life of a cat isn’t all fun and games. There are silent predators that pose a serious health threat. We are talking about worms. There are four types of worms that commonly infest cats, which we’ll look at below.


One common type of worms in cats is roundworms. These critters have a long, spaghetti-like appearance, and they are usually light brown in color. Roundworms live in the intestine of cats and feed off the nutrients from the food your feline friend consumes.


Hookworms are another type of worm that may infest your cat. They are named for their hook-like mouth, which they use to latch onto the cat’s intestinal lining. Much smaller than roundworms, they are nevertheless harmful as they can cause severe anemia in your cat due to their blood-sucking habits.


Then there are the dreaded tapeworms. Easily identified by their flat, segmented bodies, tapeworms attach themselves to the walls of a cat’s small intestine. Parts of the tapeworm break off into segments and exit the body via the cat’s feces.


Last but not least, let’s not forget about heartworms. They are a significant threat because, unlike the gut dwellers, these parasites inhabit the heart and lungs, causing serious harm. A full-blown infestation can be lethal.

General Ways Cats Get Worms

No cat owner wants to know their beloved pet is dealing with a worm infestation. However, it’s important to understand how it happens. Cats usually contract worms in one of three general ways:

Ingestion of infected feces

Your cat may contract worms by ingesting the feces of another cat that’s already infected. This can occur during grooming or when a cat uses a common litter box.

Ingestion of worm larvae or eggs

Cats can also contract worms by ingesting worm larvae or eggs, whether it’s from drinking contaminated water, eating contaminated food, or licking contaminated surfaces.

Coming in contact with an infested environment

Your cat doesn’t have to eat anything to get worms. Simply coming into contact with a worm-infested environment—such as a sandbox, garden, or park—can be enough, as worm eggs can latch onto their fur and be accidentally ingested during grooming.

How Cats Get Roundworms

Now let’s delve a little deeper into specific ways cats pick up different types of worms.

Ingestion of infected rodents

Given their nature, cats love to hunt. If they eat a rodent that’s a host for roundworms, they’ll become a new host for the parasite.

Ingestion of roundworm eggs from contaminated soil

Cats also contract roundworms by eating or licking contaminated soil, grass, or plants that have roundworm eggs. These eggs hatch into larvae in your cat’s intestines.

How Cats Get Hookworms

So how do these tiny but dangerous parasites get into our feline friends?

Skin penetration

Hookworms are notorious for their ability to penetrate the skin. If your cat walks on contaminated soil, hookworm larvae can penetrate their paws and migrate to their intestines.

Ingestion of hookworm larvae from the environment

Cats can also catch hookworms by ingesting larvae directly from the environment, such as through contaminated water or soil.

Ingestion of infected prey

Similar to roundworms, if a cat consumes infected prey, it can contract hookworms.

How Do Cats Get Worms

How Cats Get Tapeworms

Tapeworms have their own unique modes of transmission.

Ingestion of infected fleas

The most common way cats get tapeworms is by swallowing a flea infected with tapeworm larvae during grooming.

Ingestion of tapeworm eggs from a contaminated environment

Cats can also contract tapeworms by inadvertently consuming tapeworm eggs from their surroundings.

How Cats Get Heartworms

Unlike the other types of worms, heartworms are transmitted in a different way.

Mosquito bites transmitting heartworm larvae

The only way for a cat to get heartworms is through the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquito transmits the heartworm larvae into the cat, and these then travel to the heart and lungs where they mature and reproduce.

Signs and Symptoms of Worms in Cats

You may wonder how to tell if your cat has worms. The symptoms can be subtle at first and become more apparent as the infestation progresses.

Weight loss

Weight loss is one common symptom to look out for. If roundworms are consuming your cat’s nutrients, less is available for your cat—leading to weight loss.


Vomiting can occur as the body tries to expel the worms. Sometimes, you may even see a worm in the vomit.


Worms in the intestines can disrupt normal digestive functions, causing diarrhea.


If your cat is infested with hookworms, they can cause anemia due to blood loss inside the intestines.

Visible worms in stool

Sometimes, the evidence is clear—visible worms in your cat’s stool. This is commonly noticed in tapeworm infestations where segments of the worm are passed out in feces.

Diagnosing Worms in Cats

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to see the vet to get a proper diagnosis.

Physical examination

Initially, the vet conducts a physical examination where they check the overall condition of your pet’s health and look for any visible signs of infestation.

Fecal examination

The next step is a fecal examination. This involves checking a stool sample under a microscope for the presence of worm eggs or larvae.

Blood tests

In cases of heartworms, a blood test may be needed. This test will indicate if your cat’s body is producing antibodies in response to heartworms.

Treating Worms in Cats

If your cat is diagnosed with worms, don’t panic. These parasites are manageable with prompt medical intervention.

Antiparasitic medications

The backbone of worm treatment is antiparasitic medications. These powerful drugs kill the worms, allowing your cat’s body to remove them.

Preventive treatments

Prevention is often the best form of treatment. Your vet can prescribe monthly preventives to safeguard your cat from future infestations.

Dietary changes

You can also make dietary changes to aid your cat’s recovery. A high-quality diet can help your cat rebuild the strength and nutrients it’s lost due to the worm infestation.

Supportive care

Lastly, supportive care, such as extra grooming and keeping your cat indoors, can be vital during the treatment period.

The Public Health Risk Cats with Worms Pose

Worm infestations don’t just affect cats—they can also pose public health risks.

Potential human transmission

Some worms, particularly roundworms and hookworms, can infect people, especially children or those with suppressed immunity.

Risk to other pets

Other pets in the household are at risk, too. Infected cats can increase the amount of worm eggs in the environment, making it more likely for other pets to get infected.

Importance of early detection and treatment

Early detection and treatment are vital. This can prevent the situation from escalating and the infestation from transmitting to others.

Increasing public awareness

The more we know, the better we can prevent these problems. As cat owners, we can play a big part in increasing public awareness on the ways cats contract worms and the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid these issues.

In conclusion: you, as a cat owner, have a significant role to play in maintaining your cat’s health and ensuring a worm-free environment not only for your cats but also for the people and other animals living nearby. It all starts with basic cleanliness and good pet hygiene practices. Keep your feline friend happy and healthy – and worm-free!

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