
How Many Teeth Do Cats Have?

Curious about how many teeth your furry friend has? You’re in the right place! Throughout this article, we’re going to explore the world of feline dental anatomy. By the end, you’ll know exactly how many teeth a cat has and why. So let’s get started!

How Many Teeth Do Cats Have? A Guide to Feline Dental Anatomy

As mammals, cats share many similarities with humans when it comes to teeth, but their dentition also displays unique adaptations suited for the carnivorous diet of an obligate predator. Understanding the number, types, and functions of feline teeth provides insight into cats’ evolutionary history and dental health requirements. This article explores the anatomy behind the question – how many teeth do cats have?

Total Teeth – Fewer Than Humans

Cats have significantly fewer teeth than humans. The full adult dental formula is:

  • 30 total permanent teeth (16 on top, 14 on bottom)

By comparison, adult humans have 32 teeth. Kittens start with 26 deciduous (baby) teeth that fall out as adult teeth emerge. Cats lack the same grinding molars that humans possess since they do not need to chew and process plant material. Their streamlined dental design is optimized for grasping, killing, and consuming prey.

Incisors – Precision Grasping Teeth

Cats have 12 small, sharply pointed incisor teeth total:

  • 6 incisors in the upper jaw
  • 6 incisors in the lower jaw

The incisors at the front of the mouth perform a grasping function vital for catching prey. Their thin, curved shape allows cats to make highly precise bites into small bones and joints. Incisors are also used for grooming.Incisors erupt first as kittens transition from nursing to solid food. They continue growing throughout a cat’s life.

Canines – Lethal Biting Teeth

Behind the incisors are the signature fangs of carnivores – the canine teeth:

  • 2 upper canine teeth
  • 2 lower canine teeth

The elongated, sharply pointed canines serve as lethal weapons for penetrating and killing prey. Their deep roots provide anchorage for these teeth, which are up to 2 inches long in big cats.A cat’s paired upper and lower canines precisely mesh together to deliver a strangulation bite to the neck and spine of prey. Their bite force is strong enough to pierce thick hides and break necks.

Premolars and Molars – Lacking Grinding Teeth

Further back in the mouth, cats possess premolars but no true molars:

  • 4 first upper premolars
  • 4 first lower premolars
  • 2 second upper premolars
  • 2 second lower premolars

Unlike herbivores and omnivores, cats completely lack the broad grinding molars adapted for chewing and crushing vegetation. They have no need to process plant material.Instead, cats possess carnassial premolars with sharp shearing edges. These are used to slice chunks of meat off bone and tendon after prey is killed. First premolars aid in grasping and killing.

Internal Tooth Anatomy

Though smaller in number, cat teeth contain similar structures to human teeth:

  • The visible crown covered by enamel.
  • Roots embedded in the jawbone.
  • Dentin forming the bulk of the tooth.
  • pulp cavity containing nerves and blood vessels.

Proper dental care and annual cleanings maintain healthy teeth as cats age. Watch for signs of dental disease like loose teeth, bad breath, or mouth pain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adult cats have 30 permanent teeth compared to 32 in humans.
  • Incisors and canines are adapted for grasping, killing, and consuming prey.
  • Cats lack molars and possess carnassial premolars for shearing meat.
  • Teeth contain living tissues supported by dentin and protected by enamel.
  • Understanding normal feline dental anatomy helps monitor dental health.


From incisors to premolars, cats’ specialized teeth reflect their evolutionary adaptations as skilled predators. Understanding their dental anatomy provides insight into properly caring for cats’ teeth and gums. Be sure to monitor your cat’s mouth daily and get regular veterinary dental cleanings to keep their chompers in peak condition.

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